Business as a Force for Good

Being a Purpose Lead Business

As someone who has volunteered and worked in the charity sector for over 20 years and founder of a Social Enterprise, being a purpose lead business is at the core of what we do in Kirribilli.Biz

Gone are the days of expecting that things are going to change solely due to government policies and NGO’s/Charities stellar work.

Regardless of the causes that we each care about, the real opportunity to see the change is your being the change.  Businesses of all sizes have the ability to contribute something significant to making a difference in the things we care about the most, even if just by a small part.  Australia alone has over 2 million micro, small and medium size businesses.  Imagine if each one did their small part, the collective contribution would be phenomenal!

So we have created some great ways in which we can partner with our clients to be that contribution.  We have used the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (also know as Global Goals) to focus on three key areas that we would most like to make a difference.

We have chosen to contribute to the following goals;

Global Goal #4 - Quality Education

GOAL #4 Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

This goal is important to us because we believe that education is the most critical factor to breaking the cycle of poverty and creating economic security for individuals, families and communities.

Global Goal #10 - Reduced Inequalities

Goal #10 Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries

This goal is important to us because we see as ourselves as part of a global community and the current start of the world for refugees, inclusion, equity and inclusion is at a critical point.


Global Goal #13 - Climate Action

Goal #13 Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Do we really need to say anything here?!?!  There is no Planet B

Global Goal #15 - Life on Land

Goal #15 Life on Land

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

This goal is important to us because we care about our indigenous animals and in particular that Koalas are now on the endangered list in many states.

So what are we doing about it?

We contribute through micro-giving.  That means that we look at how we can contribute to and impact the causes we care about through each of our services so no matter how you work with us, you are our partner in contributing to that impact. 

Educating Indigenous Children

For every website domain purchased
~ we provide digital skills training for Indigenous children

For every website hosted
~ we save 1 sqm of Daintree Rainforest

Saving the Daintree
Feeding Koala Joey

For every website build
~ we feed a rescued Koala Joey for a week

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