Strategy sessions

It’s time to get all those ideas, that mental to-do list and the overwhelm out of your head
and create clarity and a plan to tackle the top priorities.

It’s time to get all those ideas, that mental to-do list and the overwhelm out of your head and create clarity and a plan to tackle the top priorities.

Whether you are a start-up or you have been in business for a few years, and would like to get clarity about your priorities and next steps, this is a valuable session to discuss what your business goals are, do a brain-dump to get it all out of your head and develop a high level plan of how to achieve your goals.

We will help get rid of any overwhelm, confusion and give it back to you in plain speak and not over sell products or services you don’t need.

We can run a virtual brainstorming, strategy or planning session.  I recommend starting with a minimum of 2 hours and if needed, 1-hour follow up sessions for additional planning and prioritising when you need it.


The Benefits of these sessions;


  • Remove Overwhelm
  • Gain Clarity
  • Understand Your Priorities
  • Solve Problems
  • Decide what to do, what to delegate/outsource and what to dump
  • Stimulate Creativity
  • Generate New Ideas

Brainstorming session

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your sleep is to download everything from your brain and create some structure out of the chaos or overwhelm and then start to develop some priorities and a plan.

This is one of my Super Powers!

description of this session

I recommend starting with a virtual session of 1½ – 2 hours where we capture all the ideas, thoughts and challenges on a virtual whiteboard. We use methods like capturing on post-it notes, mind-mapping, SWOT Analysis and process mapping.

I will create a summary document for your feedback and a final document will be sent back to you.

In person sessions are available to businesses within 15km of Melbourne CBD or by negotiation.

Strategic Planning Session

Strategic Planning Session

A natural follow on to a Brainstorming Session is to start getting all those great ideas into a structured plan. 

This session it about creating some clear goals and timelines to convert all those wonderful ideas into reality.

Description of this session

This session is conducted over 2 hours in 1-2 sessions and is where we can map out your top priorities into an implementation plan.

Supporting or summary documents can be supplied and follow up accountability sessions can be really valueable to making sure things get done!  They can be arranged in a format and timeframe that works best for you.  I have one myself and know there is nothing that motivates to get stuff done than being accountable.

In person sessions are available to businesses within 15km of Melbourne CBD or by negotiation.

Digital Planning Session

Digital Planning Session

Is the Online and Digital world a little overwhelming and a bit mysterious? 

If you are finding it a challenge to understand which platforms to be on and which social media channels you should be focussing on, this session is perfect for you. 

Description of the this session

From this session we can establish which of the primary digital platforms you can focus on and a strategy for how they can best work together for you.

You may need to start from scratch in building website, creating a Facebook Page or Instagram account and not sure where to start, which platform to use or how to do it.

If you are not clear about who your ideal client or target market is we can workshop that and your strategy to develop the right communication channels.

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